March 10, 2011

My Dear, Sweet, Obedient Tuesday Class!

Well, I must say-The Tues. School of Rock Class has exciting moments at every turn, although that is somewhat of a scary thing for a Director to experience, but hey--that's children's theatre for ya, right?  I love my job so much!
Here are Jaelyn & Kaley showing off some stylin' rock looks that are sure to be the next craze!
We're singin "I Wanna Rock!" Check out Jaelyn in the Rockstar Purple wig!  That didn't last 5 minutes :)
Little Known Fact: Jaelyn is a talented drummer in real life!  She played the last Hairy Mann Festival in RR!
I so love Alex's "Dire Straits, 1980" look.  That kid makes ANY look work!
Kaley is supposed to remove Nathan's hat during the "show," and I'm pretty sure it's her favorite part. Of this show & probably every other one she's ever done.
Here's a demonstration of "How to Pose for An Album Cover" by Alex and Stephen.
Alex liked to sit behind the drums, but not so much actually play them.  Most kids are the opposite!
Here we see the 1st of many of Stephen's portrayal of "Spyder's secret handshake," which happens like 8 times in the show.  That's what you call a "motif!"
Yeah, Nathan ended up on the floor a few times.  His character ("Dewey") knocks himself out stage-diving & has other clumsy comic relief-spills.  That's what you call "Type-casting!" 
Director Erin Byrne says, "No Food Allowed at Rehearsal, guys!"  Girls answer, "We know!" while they smile sweetly with their hands in the Cheetos bag.  Oh, my bad.  It's Hot Fries.  That makes it okay.   
Looks like Stephen's ready to RAWK...what the heck is Alex doing?

Yeah, I tried my best to capture the "Spyder Secret Handshake," to no avail.
That looks like a handshake, but it really doesn't illustrate how funny Stephen's "Spyder Shake" was, and it was better and more complicated every time.
HEY!  No Taking Photos of the Director!  (Wait...who had my phone?!  If it was Jaelyn, then it's kewl :)
Jaelyn apparently was camera shy.  SHEEEA RIGHT!!
Rub the Magic Afro & you will get a prize!  Perhaps it will be some Hot Fries! Wait, those aren't allowed in class!
The white smear in front is Kaley jumping into the pic.  Check out Alex's facial expression!  HAHA!!
Yeah, I pretty much put EVERY picture that had Alex wearing that Afro.  And, yes, it will be network-blogged all over Facebook, Twitter, and Err-whurr else, & no doubt re-posted throughout the centuries.
...And Alex will forever be thought of as the Red-Headed Afro kid....
Maybe people will think he really looks like that!  Haha, I love Stephen's "Sneaky-Sneaky Eavesdropper" face.
One more attempt at capturing the "Spyder Secret Handshake."  Erin=Fail.

I let the girls perform this scene as "Dewey" & "Principal Mullins" since the boys took up pretty much the whole rehearsal on their scenes.  The girls did a great job, too!  That is what you call "Understudies!"
Haha! Jaelyn does a great "Dewey" rolling his eyes.
Do the Robot!  Oh, wait... we did that in "The 80's!" (Theatrikids' Original Musical, and also the decade :)
Aw, I'm a nice director sometimes.  I let the class play "Party Quirks" for the last 10 mins.
Jaelyn was a "Walrus" who was I think "confused about seawater," Stephen was a "Sports announcer who was unable to stop announcing everything," Alex was...I think... "Justin Beiber?" 
And that is BIZARRE... Nathan is such a good actor--look at him pretending to be a GHOST!  His transparency is pretty convincing, don't you agree?

Note To Cast Members:  STUDY YOUR LINES DURING SPRING BREAK or lose 'em 4ever!

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